- fpdf2 - paths: - iwasthere.jpg I Was There: Certificate Generator

I Was There Certificate Generator

Generate certificates for professional development and show evidence of attendance. Disclaimer honesty-based policy in place.

*Enter all details, preview below.

Awarded to:
Attendance of:
Event date:
Amount of hours:


Story: Most teachers do a lot of Professional Development (PD) like webinars, self-paced courses and more. Getting evidence is often required for record keeping. Depedning on the event a certificate of attendance might be provided, often it's not. Which leads to I Was There, a quick and easy attendance certificate generator. No more screenshots of emails or making your own in word.

Project: Built with HTML, Python & PyScript, open-source on GitHub.

Author: Hi, I'm Ash an IT teacher, former web designer and I'm currently learning Cyber Security and Python Programming. Follow me @mrashleyball and visist the blog at mrash.co for regular articles and the monthly newsletter.